A full ID package usually contains the name, address, online passwords, bank details and other key identifying information of an individual. Security researchers say that the illegal trade in such data is driven by an apparently continuous succession of high – profile hacks. In 2018 alone, hundreds of millions of data were disclosed by infringements in companies including British Airways, Marriott hotels and Facebook. Stolen information is posted on the dark web–a hidden section of the Internet accessible only through specialist software –in which cyber criminals can purchase and sell data. One seller operating on a popular dark web marketplace listed personal data of UK citizens for only £ 10 of Bitcoin The vendor offered a sample of the available data containing the name, address, occupation, date of birth, surname and other details of a Polish – born Bristol resident woman. Dark web analyst Simon Migliano describes everything as “the key to online fraud” and warns of the increasing demand for such data. “This information can be used on its own to open lines of credit, such as credit cards and loans, which are subsequently drained by cybercriminals, ” he said.” There is a whole spectrum of full pricing, depending on the likelihood of profit from using this information. “Mr. Migliano, head of research at the security firm Top 10 VPN, monitors the illicit trade in such information through the dark web price index. Additional data on dark web markets include dating app login credentials, streaming services, online shopping sites and social media profiles. In addition to the value of all hacked data, he estimates that the entire online identity of a person would amount to about £ 820 if he had accounts at all the sites listed in the index. Read more Fishing for mysteries on the dark web Potential hackers can even find guides on these dark web markets that provide information on crimes, such as a £ 6 ” How to get a loan guide ” that gives step – by – step instructions on how to get a loan using stolen data. The creator of the guide claims that it can be used worldwide and does not need to follow the instructions with “special skills.” Personal data prices can vary significantly from seller to seller, although bank accounts and other financial services, such as PayPal login credentials, are generally most valuable. However, according to one dark web researcher, the scale of the overall problem is more significant than the individual prices. “Talking about pricing distracts from the broader issue: data is available for sale, all the time, often at incredibly low prices, “said Emily Wilson, a researcher at the Terbium Labs Dark Web Monitoring Company.

“We should talk about the ease of access by fraudsters in exploiting these data and about how little or no public understanding of how much of their data has been compromised – precisely because of the amount of effort involved in identifying individual identity data prices for addressing systemic insecurities.” Checking your email address on a site like Have I Been Pwned–an online database of breaches, leaks and hacks of public data–often reveals several cases of personal information being compromised. “Unfortunately, nobody is immune to the theft of personal data in the present age and time, “said Andrei Barysevich, a researcher at the Recorded Future Threat Intelligence Company.” In the same way that we learned to accept the dangers of flu viruses and developed simple approaches to minimize risk, we must learn very simple, yet effective cyber hygiene practices. “An example of a UK ‘ fullz’ for sale on the dark web market (The Independent).” It doesn’t make sense to worry that your data is stolen and sold on the dark web. It’s probably already happened, “said Mr Migliano, a dark web analyst.” The key is to be sensitive in your online behavior, reduce risks and act swiftly when something happens. The sooner you deal with compromised personal information, the easier it will be and the less painful.”

How to be safe online?

Most web users can take several simple steps to prevent their identities from being stolen online. Monitoring who you accept in your social media circles can prevent fraudsters from accessing your profile’s personal information. Phishing e – mails are also a common method used by scammers for sensitive information through the Internet. If you receive an email that you think is suspicious, the best option is to avoid clicking on any links within the email or opening any attachments. Uk Identities Stolen and Selling for  10 On The Web Dark   Cybers Guards - 91