I have provided the latest MTN 0.0kb config that allow you enjoy free Internet access without paying a dime. Therefore, if you ever searched for latest MTN free browsing cheat in Nigeria, this post is for you so search no more and gently read this post. MTN 0.0kb free browsing cheat was earlier tweaked and enjoyed by many MTN customers at the 1st quarter of this year but it was later blocked. But now the cheat is back, blazing via a couple of VPN apps including Moko VPN, KPNTunnel and HTTP Injector but in this post, I will concentrate on HTTP Injector settings and how to use it to power all apps on your Android and PC. It is called MTN 0.0kb cheat because you need ZERO data and Airtime balance on your SIM to enjoy free browsing cheat on daily basis using HTTP Injector VPN. This MTN cheat is not unlimited but capped at 1GB on some sims, while some sims are capped at 2GB – 3GB daily.

Usefulness Of This Cheat

The importance of this free browsing cheat cannot be overemphasized as you loose nothing while gaining a lot. For instance, the 1GB to 3GB data volume you get daily for free browsing would cost you between NGN 750 to NGN 2000 if you are to pay for the data and this is a recurring data that you get every day. It can be used to browse any websites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube and even download any stuff online. It can also be connected and used on your PC (laptop or desktop) through the procedures I will teach you later on this post. MTN is the most successful and popular network in Nigeria and Africa at large so millions of customers are already subscribed to the network and while some pays for data bundles to browse, others seeks for loopholes to explore and enjoy MTN free browsing at no cost. Well, be that as it may, you are always covered and provided with latest mtn tweaks from around the world via this blog mokoweb.com. Over the years, a lot of cheats has been tweaked, enjoyed and blocked but the year 2021 has been an interesting year with some free browsing cheats still working; for example MTN mPulse cheap data browsing and now, MTN 0.0kb free browsing using a tunneling app called “HTTP Injector“. You can now download the latest HTTP Injector config file for MTN 0.0k free browsing cheat 2021 through the direct download link on this blog without being forced to join any Telegram Group, Channels or even a WhatsApp Group. It works on both MTN 4G and 3G Sim.

How To Enjoy MTN 0.0kb Free Browsing Using HTTP Injector

Before you will be eligible for this cheat, you must have all the requirements in place otherwise it may not work for you. I have made the procedure more easier for both tech savvy and novice in the tweaking world by uploading the config file which can be simply imported to power all apps. Having said that, let’s go straight to the point.

HTTP Injector Settings For MTN 0.0k Free Browsing Cheat

You don’t even need the manual settings for this cheat because I have provided the already-made HTTP Injector config file.


Your Android smartphone MTN NG 3G or 4G sim without active data Use the default MTN APN settings Download HTTP Injector VPN app HTTP Injector Config for MTN 0.0k Cheat (download here) or the new updated configuration files from this free browsing cheat Telegram Group. (This config won’t work for you if your Android phone is rooted).

How To Import Config On HTTP Injector Vpn

Also note that this cheat doesn’t work unlimitedly on all MTN sims as I said earlier on this post. It’s capped on some sims. If yours stopped connecting, kindly force stop HTTP Injector and connect again.


If you still want to enjoy this cheat without config file, install MokoVPN and select MTN 0.0kb cheat to connect. It’s the trending VPN with so many working cheats inside.

How To Use MTN 0.00 Free Browsing Cheat On PC

But if your Android phone is not rooted, then you should make use of Pdanet app.

What To Do If Yours Didn’t Work

If you didn’t get things right, yours may not work. So find below reasons why your cheat didn’t work or connect.

There is no stable 3G or 4G network on your SIM You are using outdated HTTP Injector app Your Android phone hangs a lot Your Config file has expired. Just request for new config and it will be sent to you.

So try and make sure these things are in place and you will enjoy it.

Other Nigerian Free Browsing Posts

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Free Internet Tricks From Other Countries

If you don’t reside in Nigeria, you can check below links to posts on other countries free internet tricks.

Cell C free internet trick for South Africa Philippines Free Internet with SUN network South Africa Free Internet Trick With HTTP Injector Indonesia Free Internet Trick Via Telkomsel Network


This post and other related posts are basically for EDUCATIONAL purposes so you are totally responsible for the use of this information. Through this type of posts, I am alerting telecom operators on the loopholes on their networks and possibly find a fix. Thanks for understanding.


“Free browsing” is not a new word in Nigeria or any other country because from time to time, ways arises to tweak and get access to the web without paying a dime or paying so little to get massive data volumes. So that all about MTN free browsing cheat using HTTP injector Config File. Enjoy while it lasts.