We have had a great experience using MaxCDN in the last five years. We are using it on all of our apps. Our founder, Syed Balkhi, has personally come to know the folks behind the business. They are nice guys, who highly appreciate their customer service. Many of our users who signed up with MaxCDN have made encouraging remarks to us. If we had to rate them we would give them a perfect rating of 5 out of 5 stars.

About MaxCDN Company

MaxCDN is a reliable content delivery network that accelerates your website and reduces the load on your server. It provides a variety of industry-leading features such as instant purging and provisioning, instant SSL, complete integration of APIs and GitHub, and real-time reporting. MaxCDN seamlessly integrates with most content management systems, such as WordPress, offers user interface and simple and intuitive setup, plus tons of quality benefits all at an affordable price. MaxCDN actively supports open-source projects and has the infrastructure in place to deal with both large and small clients. Some of their most notable clients include

BuySellAds, WPEngine, and Stumbleupon.

In this MaxCDN review, we will discuss a few key components that should help you make a better-informed decision as to whether MaxCDN is best suited to your CDN needs.

MaxCDN Networks

MaxCDN Features

We all hate slow web sites, of course. However, what you do not know is how irritated people are with sluggish websites. Surveys conducted show that web surfers expect to load websites in less than 2 seconds and are likely to close a web page that takes over 3 seconds. If you want your website to capture surfer’s interest long enough to get surfers to buy something, you must be able to save the expected three-second load time at a minimum. This can be supported by MaxCDN, one of the leading content distribution networks.

Pricing Plans

MaxCDN pricing offers a number of options for payment of the CDN bandwidth you are using. Their price will decrease when you use more bandwidth and you will effectively get 2 months free if you agree to a yearly payment. This explains several elements of their “Entrepreneur” strategy. Next, they also suggest a “serious” program ideal for larger customers with more traffic. For this package, the same payment option applies as the one above, when you agree to an annualized payment the expenses are reduced and 2 months are effectively free. MaxCDN also provides unique CDN rates to businesses or consumers with large volumes of traffic. This price also varies depending on how much traffic you use and is priced per GB. You need to contact MaxCDN and receive a custom quote to choose this choice.

Speed Acceleration

The closer the service is to the consumers in terms of content delivery, the quicker the delivery. MaxCDN concentrates most of the 12 servers of the organization in North America. This CDN service would, therefore, make an excellent match for you if the intended market for your website is primarily in the United States. The delivery of your content between various U.S. servers would boost your website significantly. The browsing experience would also be smoother. This means less jitter, fewer network bursts, and improved video experience overall. This, in effect, helps reduce the rebound rate and causes more page visits, resulting in a higher search engine ranking.


With storage demands that vary considerably from website to website, MaxCDN ensures that all its customers can purchase sufficient disk space to meet their specific needs. Each data plan comes with a fixed amount of storage, meaning that any customer who wants more space can buy extra storage.

MaxCDN Analytics and Reports

MaxCDN Insights provides real-time, as granular or as high-level analytics as you wish. Display a management description or raw logs. These reports demonstrate past conduct so that you can foresee potential site requirements. There is also an API to build customized solutions.

MaxCDN Data Centers

MaxCDN is based in North America and Western Europe and has 20 regional edge locations with small centers in South America, Australia, and Asia. Cloudflare has 151 data centers, with several sites, typically less concentrated in areas such as Africa, Asia, and Australia. Cloudflare has 151 data centers all over the world. CloudFront has 117 data centers, with a small presence in South America and none in Africa, spanning 25 countries.

Configuration & Setup

One of the strengths of MaxCDN is a simpler configuration resulting in instant activation. Currently, MaxCDN is one of the easiest, if not easiest, CDNs to set up. Several factors make this possible. This combined with the support for most of the different CMSs makes the service incredibly customizable. Furthermore, once you have enabled your account, MaxCDN gives you a step-by-step guide to starting.

Security Feature

MaxCDN does not cheat when it comes to ensuring the protection of information received by your web users and sensitive web pages. The network for content distribution has a common SSL certificate secured for all but its smallest launch program. Further protection features such as activity logs, IP WhiteList, and constructive email alerts boost your website protection while you are using MaxCDN. The best thing is that no additional charge is charged for any of these extra security features.

Support Feature

When calculating response times for any service provider, adequate results are obtained at a response time of between 126 and 129 milliseconds. Any response times of less than 125 milliseconds are considered to be exceptional and the best for customer service. This means that the CDN reviewer spends MaxCDN response time for both email and telephone customer service contacts at about 115 milliseconds, making this a perfect choice for the discerning consumer. The service for the customer is also available 24/7/365 through a ticketing program, live chat, or by telephone. You should also be confident that your concerns will be dealt with in due course.

Is it worth having CDN for my website?

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network consisting of a network of data centers in strategic locations. It works to quickly deliver content on the Internet by storing it in several caches – delivering a user with a cache that is closest to them geographically.

According to the google website, speed increases SEO score. Cheap way to gain web speed API availability and integrations Lower costs overall due to increased efficiency Increased reliability Decreased latency Faster performance Full-feature security in place DDoS protection

And it depends on the user base and where these users are located around the world whether it’s a useful function for the small business or not. Usually, if they’re all within your server’s 1,000-mile radius, a CDN may not be needed. However, a CDN will work well for your SEO if you have a high-content site or a high-traffic volume and provide a better user experience.

MaxCDN Reviews – Conclusion

Overall, MaxCDN is a well-known solution for both small and large websites with price schemes. For 19 PoPs worldwide, they are fairly well known in terms of global influence and recognize that preparation only starts with the US and EU. If you need their Asia and Pacific PoPs this needs a $15 per month/zone add-on. There are additional costs for certain apps, such as the source shield, secure token, etc. But, 24/7 service will never leave you in the mysterious and you can save yourself a few dollars every month with annualized payment options. Hopefully, the MaxCDN analysis has provided you with more detailed insight into the business and service to help you determine better when selecting a CDN provider.