This service is also useful when you need to make an emergency call in an area you can’t find recharge cards and there is no fund in your bank account. What do you think is the way out? It is surely to borrow airtime from your Network provider. Good news all networks offers this service although the name may be different to each provider.
Eligibility for Borrowing Airtime and Data
To be eligible to borrow credit or data from most of the the top networks in Nigeria, note these points below
Your SIM must be registered Your SIM must be active for at least three months You must recharge at least N250 for the month No previous loans on the SIM.
Once you meet these requirements you can go ahead to borrow Airtime or data.
How to Borrow Airtime from Any Network In Nigeria
Find below instructions and codes to borrow airtime from MTN, 9mobile, Glo and airtel.
How to Borrow Airtime from MTN
To borrow airtime from MTN, dial either 606amount# or *606# and follow the MTN XtraTime on-screen instructions. For example, to borrow N100, dial this code 600100#. MTN takes 10% of the money borrowed as service charge so if you borrowed 100 Naira, you will get 90 Naira airtime. Also remember, the amount you borrowed will be automatically deducted on your next airtime recharge. This service is called “MTN XtraTime”.
To borrow data from MTN
Dial *606# Select option 2 to borrow data
Then choose your desired MTN Xtrabyte from the option. It includes the service charge.
You can also clear all borrowed Airtime on MTN.
How to Borrow Airtime from 9Mobile
On the 9Mobile network, you can borrow airtime by dialing 665amount# or *665#. For example, to borrow N100 on 9mobile, dial 665100# and you will receive 90 Naira credit instead of 100 Naira because 9mobile takes 10% as service charge. Note that on your next airtime recharge, the amount you borrowed will be automatically deducted.
To borrow data from 9Mobile
Dial this code *665# Select the second option which is “borrow data“ Select amount by choosing option 1 You will get your data
You can borrow up to 1.5GB data on 9mobile (Etisalat)
How to Borrow Credit from Airtel
To borrow airtime from AIRTEL, dial 500amount#. For example, to borrow N100 dial 500100#. Note that Airtel extra credit service attracts 15% charge, therefore you will get 85 Naira airtime when you borrow 100 Naira from Airtel. On your next recharge, the money you borrowed will be deducted.
To borrow Data from Airtel
Dial *500# Select option 3 for borrowing data Enter the amount of data you want to borrow.
How to Borrow Credit on GLO Network
It is required that GLO users create a 4-digit pin before they can borrow airtime. To create a 4-digit pin on your Glo line, dial 321# and create a PIN of your choice. After that, you can borrow airtime from Glo by dialing 321pinamount#. For example, to borrow 100 Naira, dial 3210000*100# (assuming 0000 is your PIN). It attracts a 10% service charge and you will pay back on your next recharge. Also, to qualify for this service you must be constantly recharging your Glo line.
To borrow data from Glo
Dial this code *321# for Glo borrow me data service Then follow the on-screen guides to borrow data Glo will give you the volume of data you selected.
SEE ALSO: All Networks Number Prefix NOTE: when you borrow airtime, there is a service charge attached to it. For instance, if you borrow N100, the network provider will deduct N10 and you will be left with N90. Also you must pay this money on your next recharge. Assuming you borrow N100 Naira today, next time you buy N200 recharge card, your network will collect back the N100 you borrowed and you will now have just N100. That’s how it works. Be informed. I hope this post on how to borrow airtime from all networks in Nigeria helps you. Enjoy!