In the last few years, the gaming scene has been dominated almost hegemonically by battle royale games, where the goal is to be the last survivor in a world with many other players and a safe area that decreases with time. The popularity started with PUBG on computers, extending with the great success of Fortnite which, besides being very fun, colorful and full of different mechanics, was always free on consoles, computers and, later, on cell phones. However, because of the ease of gameplay on a smartphone, a device that almost everyone has, has brought yet another game to this universe of success. This is Garena’s game, Free Fire, which innovated in a gameplay completely created to facilitate mobile phone play, with improved and different mechanics, very attractive graphics and guaranteed fun for many hours. The game receives frequent updates and improvements for the gaming community, including a store of items that is always with news for those who love cosmetics like clothes and skins for weapons, for example. The squad mode with four players is also a universe apart, since the Garena game brings live chat along with the gameplay, for players to have much fun with other friends, discuss strategies and meet new people. The game is not as heavy as other battle royales and ends up having support for most smartphones. However, it is not only on cell phones that the game makes the head of the players: those who have a computer can also download Free Fire and play with more convenience and precision, since the addition of the keyboard and mouse increase your chances of victory and gameplay more advanced, especially in times when the shots need to be accurate and the control buttons cannot let you down to survive. The Free Fire PC is a completely separate world where the player can use his Android emulator to access a game that previously could only be played within the limits of the small screen of the phone and with buttons very close to each other. To play Garena’s game, just download one of the most popular Android emulators, such as Gameloop, Mumuplayer or Bluestacks, for example and access the application’s library to find and download Free Fire PC. This is only if you downloaded the PC version (ROM). But if you download the Free Fire ISO, you need PPSSPP emulator to play it on Android. The game is also available on the Google Play store to play for free on a variety of supported Android phones. Test the game on your smartphone and, if you feel the experience can be better, look for the computer alternative, which can increase the fun and gameplay considerably. Some emulators have advanced button configurations and perfect emulation between the original game and the PC, making you not feel much difference in graphics and gameplay as a whole, without bottlenecks or crashes. The only difference is the improvement in your response and commands when using computer accessories and a larger screen, which allows you to see more of the map and any hidden players.

Download Free Fire PPSSPP ISO Game

Download Free Fire Game Here Install and use any good PSP emulator for Android to load and play the game.

Free Fire Characters

Recently, Garena released OB27 Update which brings new Characters, maps and so on. Install, play and enjoy.