Why Get A Certificate In Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity has been expanding in scope for several years. Nearly every business has an online presence, requiring hiring a digital security expert. Many firms, as well as several consultants and government roles, hire cybersecurity credential holders. With so much room for advancement in this sector, you may have a long and exciting career with plenty of opportunities for advancement, thanks to the experience you’ll get after getting your foot in the door with a cybersecurity certificate. A cybersecurity certificate comprises several components that give graduates the knowledge and skills they need to perform in various roles. These are some of the positions available:


Consultant positions are frequently entry-level. Because of the variety of these occupations, a graduate can check out numerous industries to determine if they want to specialize in. Consultants begin by performing simple activities such as software testing before identifying weak places in a system and advising fixes to prevent hacking.


Analysts work for an organization to sustain their security procedures and practices internally, rather than consulting other firms from the standpoint of an agency. This more established job requires familiarity with specific organizational tools, plans, and objectives. Analysts are well-positioned to lead cybersecurity teams and collaborate on board members and even top-level management projects.

The benefits of getting a certification

Many people new to cybersecurity believe that certificates are solely for earning money. While this is true in some cases, certifications can also give various other benefits to your career.

Benefit #1: Certifications might help you stand out from the crowd.

Certifications might help you stand out from the crowd when it comes to vying for the same job. I’ve seen a couple of instances where a candidate with a certification or multiple certificates beats out an equally qualified but non-certified candidate solely based on the certification. In these circumstances, the certification was the deciding factor for the employer. I usually advise college students to get certification since it gives them a competitive advantage over other college grads.

Benefit #2: Certifications demonstrate achievement and perseverance.

Everyone knows that receiving a certification takes time and effort, so possessing one demonstrates your dedication to your profession and knowledge base. This is especially true as you begin your job and have fewer resources to rely on or discuss with possible employers. Having a certification demonstrates that you are dedicated to your chosen area.

Benefit #3: They are highly valued by many employers.

Although certificates do not influence all employers, they impress many of them. The Department of Defense has established baseline credentials for several security and intelligence professions, such as the CompTIA Security+. Some businesses favor certifications over a college diploma, so having one can help you stand out.

Benefit #4 A certification might keep your company on their toes

Several times over my career, I’ve followed the playbook of acquiring a certification on my own time and with my own money without informing my company. I would send them the email confirmation or inform them directly once I had received the certification (or hang it on my office wall without saying anything.) In these instances, you can see the wheels turning as people wonder when you finished the certification, why you’re better yourself, and what your ambitions are. Whether in the cybersecurity industry or not, Obtaining a certification while working can cause your employer to notice you. This can provide you with leverage in many circumstances.

Benefit #5: You can utilize certifications to negotiate a raise or promotion

Money must become a consideration in any job decision at some point, and here it is. Certifications might assist a cybersecurity expert gain negotiating leverage for a raise or promotion. This is why so many certification companies aim to link their credentials to pay scales. Of course, there are many other aspects to consider when determining whether or not a certification can lead to a raise. Still, it may be worthwhile to use certification as a bargaining point for better compensation.

What signs should I look for to see if I’m ready to take the certification exam?

I’ve discovered that determining if you’re ready to take a certification exam is as simple as determining whether you know the content well enough to teach it to others. If you can thoroughly explain the certification material to someone unfamiliar with it, you understand it well and can answer any questions the exam may provide. Try explaining and teaching the content to someone you know as you near the finish of your certification exam preparation. If you feel comfortable discussing it with others, you should be prepared to take the exam.